
    Teacher Achiever

    Title Achievement / Remarks / Other Detail Designation
    Smt. Satinder Kaur,Smt. Satinder Kaur, a TGT (SCIENCE) educator, proudly holds a Gold Certificate, which he received for his outstanding performance in Class XII CBSE examination by KVS in the academic year 2023-24.”TGT (SCIENCE) educator
    Smt. CHAND KISHORISmt. CHAND KISHORI, a PGT (COMMERCE) educator, proudly holds a Gold Certificate, which he received for his outstanding performance in Class XII CBSE examination by KVS in the academic year 2023-24.”(COMMERCE)educator
    SANJEEV KUMAR KUSHWAHASanjeev Kumar Kushwaha, a PGT Computer Science , proudly holds a Gold Certificate, which he received for his outstanding performance in Class XII CBSE examination by KVS in the academic year 2023-24.”PGT computer science educator